Back to School Improve Your PowerPoint Presentations 80% in 20% of Time

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80-20 rule, states that, in many situations, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. For example, Microsoft noted that by fixing the top 20% of the most reported bugs, 80% of the errors and crashes would be eliminated. Many people are complaining that it is so difficult to make a good PowerPoint presentation. They fail not because they are not working hard enough, it’s just they didn’t use their time properly.
Many people spend 80% of their time on creating PowerPoint slides and 20% of their time on the following:
  1. Working on great content

  2. Finding the best way to show their message

  3. Delivering the presentation

The truth is the above 3 ignored points are the key for a successful PowerPoint presentation. If you can follow the instructions below you can improve your presentations a lot:
  1. Start by scheduling the time you need to prepare, including filling out a planner, writing your script, and speaking it out. When you speak it out, time it and record it. Listen to the recording and edit.

  2. Storyboard your slides, based on your planner. Figure out the best way to show your points, including data, images, video, and diagrams.

  3. Create a template or theme that you like and use it! You only need to do this once and it will save you time forever after.

  4. Create a custom color scheme/theme colors. Again, do this once and it will improve your presentations forever. It will also save you time reformatting objects on your slides over and over.

  5. Create your slides using the “tell and show” method. It’s a simple method for designing slides that is quick and effective. Best of all, you don’t need to be a designer to get great results.

  6. Practice delivering your presentation several times until it’s smooth. Delivery is where the rubber hits the road, so you should never wing it.

What are your tips for quick ways to get major results? Leave a comment below!